
let the ravens gather

Katja the First


8 Years
09-22-2014, 07:27 AM

Her forelegs attained their grip, and her jaws snapped into fur, but oh so frustratingly lower than she'd wanted, oh so frustratingly full of fur and skin. Snarling she attempted to jerk her head back, trying to tear flesh where she'd connected with his scruff since she hadn't managed to obtain a more paralyzing grip. Still, she took the moment to carefully adjust her balance, making sure her stance was wide and her feet were back to widen the angle between her back paws and where she rested on Helios to allow her better leverage if she was shoved. Her weight was distributed evenly between both feet, with her attempting to put as much weight on Helios as possible to even out her balance fore and back. Her knees were bent slightly rather than locked out, and her hind toes were splayed with the claws digging into the dirt for traction. Likewise her foreclaws were spread and attempting to clutch at Helios where they touched. Her hackles were still raised, her ears pinned back against her head and her eyes were narrowed, the skin of her brows and cheeks wrinkled to better protect the eyes with folds of loose skin. Her tail was held level, whipping back and forth like a rudder to balance her in her precarious position, and her shoulders were hunched forward both in an attempt to put her weight on Helios and, as she also pulled her head back as far as her position allowed, to bunch up the skin and fur of her scruff.

Fangs buried themselves in the middle of her foreleg, between elbow and wrist. It was a precarious grip to obtain as it rested against his chest but not impossible - his upper canines slid along the shallow bone there to lodge in the skin and muscle on the exterior side of the leg. Simultaneously, he threw himself at her.

Had the fresh bite not captured her attention with the fire that blossomed along the shallow grooves leading a short ways to the moderately deep punctures left by his canines, she may have been able to push against him with the leverage provided by the angle of her body. But the bite to her foreleg had loosened her grip around his neck, and the frustration of having failed to cripple the Olympian had distracted her, and her muscles slackened as she pulled away slightly, her jaws having left his neck in preparation for another attack. His strong shove sent her over backward.

Her tail tucked automatically to protect it from being caught between her and the ground, and Katja twisted in midair, catlike, but she was too close to the ground and the wolf body more cumbersome than a feline, so the best she could manage was to twist her upper body to the right, to come down heavily on her right side with her upper body trying to parallel Helios instead of on her back. She grunted as the breath was nearly driven out of her, moderate bruises forming along her ribs where they struck and an ache forming in her lower back from over-taxed muscles there. Already she was hunching her body, bunching up her scruff to protect her now-vulnerable scruff, but she braced herself on her right foreleg and attempted to lunge forward, jaws trying to reach for his right foreleg, teeth bared in an attempt to cut tendons there in the back of the foreleg. At the same time she was lashing out with her left hind leg, attempting to knock Helios' hind legs out from under him.


Round 3/3

Defenses: first paragraph mostly

Attacks: Attempt to rip the scruff where she got a grip, attempt to kick Helios' back legs out from under him, attempted to slice the tendons in right foreleg

Injuries: short shallow cut leading to moderate puncture wounds on right foreleg (exterior side), moderate bruising along right side ribs, mild muscle strain over lower back

OOC Notes: is this a new record for fastest pack challenge? Go us!