
Anybody out there


05-16-2013, 10:51 AM

The air had grown thick, the change was easily detectable. Moisture seemed to build up and consume the freshness like starved bacteria. The entire atmosphere seemed to shift. The lush green vegetation vanised beneath me turning into more of mucky substance as each step was taken. Soon enough the water came into view.. Nothing like a creek, nor a lake. The water barely moved. Clouded over to give it more of a brown toxic look. Tree roots burst free fom these dirty waters only to plummet back within the depths. Curiousity was what struck me now. What was this place exactly? Seemed like a rather suitable environment for the likes of my kind. The sun barely had room to peak through with its blinding rays. Shadows cascaded through out the entire place, making it far more easier to hide my thick and bulky frame. I'm assuming that the musky, rank smell will soon be easier to cope with. Or so I'm hopeing.

Muscles flexed beneath my thick, tri colored coat. Causing a sensation of ripples to become pretty visible. Emerald green eyes finally adjusting to the dim lighting, and sent to scan through out the scenery, look for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing seemed to stand out though. Appendages began to move slowly, I could hear the slurping as each paw was pulled from the thick mud. Tail hung lazily between well toned hind quarters. Twin towers twitching slightly.. The sounds of singing birds did not fill the airs here.. No, instead I could hear only the occasional bullfrog croaking, or hopping into the water. Surely someone would come out to play, to remove this rather boring feeling from my core.