
Brace for Bad Luck [Ebony's Storm]



5 Years
09-20-2014, 03:16 PM

Ullr cowered in a shaking, furry ball beneath the wolf. He wasn't overly fond of thunderstorms and this one sounded particularly nasty. The wolf said his name and Ullr turned in confusion to see himself face to face with Valkyrie. Heat blossomed over his cheeks and his jaws parted in a squeak as he shuffled out from under her, tail between his legs. "V-valkyrie! Oh jeez? I'm so sorry I just-" Another boom of thunder made him gulp nervously. "I don't like storms." He glanced to the wolves, Kass and Callisto and dipped his head in nervous greeting before wincing suddenly and lifting his back left leg. Awww?.. hel. Had he sprained it in the fall?

Rain began to fall and Ullr's eyes turned upward for a moment as he shivered. He did not like this at all. It was then another wolf descended down into the group and he grinned. "DYANI!" He chirped as he skittered over to lick his sisters muzzle. He pulled back a little bit suddenly embarassed. Was she mad at him for running off like that? He hadn't meant to! The Ganucks made him do it!

Thunder crackled overhead as the rain began to fall harder. He quickly shuffled after the odd group of wolves, trying to mask his limp. The young man hated showing physical weakness, it made him a target. Pausing just a second to beckon his sister to come with him, Ullr returned his gaze and continue. He knew Valkyrie and she was very brave and kind. He trusted her. They moved along into a series of strange runes that made his skin crawl. This? these?. weren't natural. Once they reached the shelter Ullr quickly shook out his coat, little pink tongue glossing over his swollen ankle. The pain was starting to beat violently in his head.

"What the heck is that!" Ullr's fur bristled as he shuffled to hide behind Valeriya from the strange creature inhabiting their shelter. Cautiously he took a few steps out from behind her, nose sniffing madly. Val stated she was leaving and Ullr's stomach flipped in knots. Noooooo?. he didn't want to be left with all these strangers and he didn't think Dyani would either.

"Ummm?. I can go?"
