
I thought you were dead...

Gargoyle I


05-16-2013, 11:07 AM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


It wasn't easy watching all this transpire. It seemed that two reactions battled for supremacy within him - a mistrust and a gentle happiness. Such polar opposites were the curse of his bloodline. It was possible that he had set in motion, some sort of trouble. But he had always been one to walk on thin ice, and it was his strength that made him remain as collected as ever. If fate destined him for a fall, no matter, he would walk straight and proud up until the moment the ground crumbled from beneath his paws.

As it was, Sperare's words went towards calming him. There was no look of fear or suspicion or malice in her. Even her words conveyed what manner of the story she would tell. Seemed she would remain grateful and keep to the unspoken promise that Gargoyle had risked. She knew that to speak would only bring unhappiness to the family that had offered her shelter - and would put the lives of her own family at risk to the wilds of the homeless wilderness once more. The brute gave no indication of either disease or relief, but he could see that the two were eager to continue on with their conversation

"Your sister, has, no doubt, had her share of trials as a lone mother. It is good that she has you." Whether he spoke of death or love, his tone changed little, such was Gargoyle's character, and yet only a wolf who knew him little would mistake his manner for coldness. "Oxia, as my you are my Beta, I leave the handling of a search party in your paws. Do what you need, take as a many as the braves as you wish. You might ask Rogue for help, that mutt has a nose like none other." Of course Gargoyle wanted to help himself, but he understood that with this new reunion it was natural for the brother - the man of their immediate family - to want to do something, to wish for action. Gargoyle was only too happy to give him such a mission and looked forward to seeing him prove himself.
