
It's Time To Begin, Isn't It?



3 Years
09-20-2014, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2014, 03:57 PM by Svetlana.)

The fox worried what would become of this reunion, and from the expression on Koros' face, she knew the other understood things were worse than she let on. Perhaps Raisa had an idea... but Korrin would never admit that it was Svetlana who injured her. Who tore her ear away. The horror on her friend's face when she realized what she had done was enough for Korrin to understand something dark was festering in the wolf, but that was not her. No... it wasn't her friend. Svetlana had been kind, a sweetheart, a supportive wolfess. She just fell into shadows with things going how they were. But she would never, ever do anything to purposely spite or hurt another. Not the real her. The small fox would take a breath and give a nod to both before bounding in the direction of her companion.

Svetlana was where she left her. Her eyes were closed, though stains where her tears had fallen marked her cheeks. Her heart was eating at itself, tearing her up with guilt. A whine would leave her, but the solitary moment was not long. She heard pawsteps. The pitter-patter of fox paws... and... heavier ones. Svetlana would open her eyes, and the girl would jolt up. Mixed feelings tossed inside of her. Ears would pin back, eyes would narrow, those tears lingering there. Svetlana wanted to speak, but her throat felt oddly dry. So dry. So instead she looked at Raisa, somewhere between a glare and questioning gaze. Where had she been? Why return now? Did she care for them at all? Would she just leave again? Do you have any idea how much I've missed you? How much I cried, hoping you'd come back?

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]