
Hróðvitnisson family



3 Years
09-20-2014, 08:02 PM
user posted image

Name: Brynhildr
Gender: Female
Litter: Hroovy x Keina (2nd)


Honorable, but will act in anger if pushed -> Bryn will stand by her morals, put they will only protect you to a point. If you irritate her enough, or she has ground to question your own integrity or intentions, you can expect her to paint a target on your chest. She will not suffer assholes for the sake of principle.
Not one to be stepped upon -> If you think this a fae who will let you push her around, think again. She'll walk away with a few new scars if it means proving her mettle, win or lose. She is quick to unveil insults in a pretty phrase, whether the speaker intended them or not.
Bit of an ego -> Well, BIT might be an understatement. It's a nearly constant mindset, to strive, to out do her companions, but at least she's classy about it. Instead of bragging she lets her actions speak louder than words, even if it means having a repertoire of "I meant to do that" cover ups.
Manipulative if she needs something to get done -> If you're moving too slow for her you can bet she'll move you, be it with a cuff around the ears or a pretty lie. Her judgement will supersede anothers, and if your opinion of a matter clashes with her own, she'll do what needs to be done to change your mind.
Willing to stand behind a worthy leader -> ...But her standards are high. A senseless leader will have no respect from this woman, and neither will one who thinks with whats between their legs. If they go to war for something she does not deem a worthy cause, don't expect her to come along. She would rather fight than spend hours pouring over logistics and decorum, but she'd better be pointed in the right direction when the choice is made.
She is not so foolish as to die for another -> She values her skin and the breath in her lungs too much to fall due to anothers foolishness. She would not act quite so rashly in the face of emotion, preferring instead to fall back, gather strength, and strike again. Never doubt that a grudge would hold against any who act against her companions, but revenge only works if you come out on top.
Loyal, but only to a point -> Friends are nice and love is great but she will sacrifice nothing of herself for the sake of another. Going without a meal so that another could eat, going thirsty or cold or endangering herself... Well, fool her once, fine, but never twice. Damaging habits such as these will not keep long with her. Her patience will not be infinite.
Will go with her gut instinct -> ...if it comes down to choosing between head and heart. She's not a femme for long deliberation, of weighing facts and stats. If her gut pulls her one way or another you can expect her body to follow. Does this land her in questionable situations?... Well. Best not to bring that up in her presence.
Bull-Headed Stubborn -> It's hard to change her mind once it's been set. She will latch herself onto an idea, dig in her claws, and not let go. Challenge her decisions, whenever she actually bothers to set herself on one course or another, and expect hellfire as your reward.
Snarky -> Sharp-tongued? Lacking couth? Without Empathy? Unreasonably harsh? However you want to phrase it, she's not great with her temper. She'd got a big mouth and doesn't really know how to pin it shut. There's next to no disconnect between her mouth and mind, and most of her thoughts are less than pleasant.
Her praise is difficult to earn -> Don't expect her to fall over you for nothing. She's not exactly crying for companionship, so if she wants to stick around that means something. Otherwise, you can get outta dodge. She's a tough judge of character, and won't spare your feelings to let you know how she really feels.

RP Sample:

The woman rolled onto her back and sighed, closing her eyes to the rain. Her coat was sodden, sure. Her molten markings were coated in mud and she had morphed from graceful warrior to horrible sludge monster but she hardly minded. The autumn rain was chilling and soaking in the pools of it's refuse felt good on her strained and aching muscles. That was the last time she would press a journey through the night, but it was a race for godssakes. And she had been winning before taking that blunder down the river bank. She'd been jounced about, bashed against this and that, and come out the worse for wear. Oh well, I'm still ahead, she thought with a snort. Those arrogant asses didn't know what they'd gotten themselves into. Loser had to hunt for the other until the full moon? She'd make the most of her vacation, of that she was more than certain. Bryn allowed herself a snicker, opening her eyes and refusing to blink, even when the drops hit her eyes. They were an amusing band of rogues, and it'd been nice enough roaming with them, but their time was nearly up. She was getting bored with their constant bickering, and she missed her family, strange as that was to consider.

She wiggled into the mire of mud, sinking ever deeper. A small rock dug into her shoulder and she winced, cursing under her breath. She was lucky enough not to have dashed open her skull, and it probably would have been wiser to just forfeit, or take her leave early. She smiled at the thought of the others meeting in the crater's basin and her nowhere to be found. Better yet, she thought, them seeing me napping from a mile off and spending all that time coming to meet me knowing they lost. It was a hard choice. To the east the sky was turning from cobalt to a dusky indigo, sun doing it's best to illuminate the heavy clouds. Maybe she could steal a few hours of sleep. She would wake again with the sun if luck was with her, and set off again. Where? She shrugged, despite the twinge that pulsed through her body as a whole. Time would tell.