
Flirtin' With Disaster



7 Years
09-20-2014, 08:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia had been lounging outside of the family's den, watching her husband about his work, when the howl had sounded from her eldest daughter. Immediately the golden-eyed wolf's ears perked, and as she lifted her head slowly from her paws a look of puzzled concern settled over her features. There was something strange about the sound, not to mention its calling at all. Very rarely, if at all, did Anais call for the family. More often she sought them out personally. What had suddenly urged her to use such formalities that she had never been particularly interested in?

She was already getting to her paws before Bane barked for their attention, shaking her black and russet coat out as she stepped over to join him and the boys, following in their wake as both Nako and her husband took the lead. His slowed gait, cautious and careful because of his deteriorated vision, made their progress slow going, but in due time they managed to reach the location where their daughter stood near the border of the lands, company in tow.

Her daughter's company was entirely unexpected, and it showed in a look of surprise that settled immediately on Tahlia's face. But surprise was quickly replaced with concern as she noted her daughter's expression, anxious and uncertain and looking outright uncomfortable, so very unlike how she typically looked. Her brow knit as she came to stand beside her husband, listening as Destruction and her youngest daughter Lior addressed both Anais and the unidentified male. "Anais?" Her concerned tone spoke only to her daughter, wanting to know that she was okay, that whatever look had been on her face was only a temporary thing and that she would smile as usual again soon.