
Anybody out there


05-16-2013, 12:02 PM
blackened waters of sheer chaos, and such lack of understanding would drill, drill down her very bone. pain would be the flesh to eat, and frenzy would be the embellishment of her very soul, as in silence she would seek the presence of those the odds had dare take from her. Lush curves with poreclein flesh would dance to the continous beat under the solid earth.her lithe bodice, seething; twisting, in its arachnid grace and sensuous power as it moved towards the charred man. it were wanderlust, wanderlust and infinite hunger, that accompanied Rosalie in her wild, esoteric affairs.

The Two sea blue pools would so easily slither into the mans erotic mind. Teasing him with frantic delights; holding him captive in the seas before releasing him back to the boredom of reality. Beautifully bored. So effertlessly bored.

What a mind could do in search of the key to amusent. Releasing the devils within. A sweet angel. A perfectly capable lady. Waiting to be released into the centre of bewildment.To feel a rush of excitment racing down the ramp of the unearlthy back. " well arent you a mute being?" teasing the lobes with a sensational tune of the womans cooes.The sultry; europian accent lingering in the air; calculated; to thrive into the place in the heart. With success. The sinner could very well be unleashed. No screams could be heard around here; no guidance to be relased from hell that so easily pulled us in. it was all exciting.