
The Rains of Today



1 Year
09-21-2014, 02:03 AM

The girl sat by the den entrance, her blue eyes watching the seemingly endless rain. That was all she knew was rain, it had started soon after she had become aware of her surroundings. She didn't know much of sunshine and flowers, but her mother told her stories of the better weather. Charm's breath fogged in front of her as she watched the liquid pour from the sky, falling to the earth with a harsh, audible thud. A strong wind blew towards her, pushing her tiny form backwards. Charmeine let out a little yip and she was sent head over heels, rolling backwards and closer to the center of the den where her momma slept. The girl came to a stop when she rolled right into the large female, giggling as she rolled out of her little ball and looked at the curled up form. Her head tilted to the side as she watched her mother's chest go up and down as she breathed. Charm was flat out on her back with her hind legs splayed across his mothers hip, her rump slightly off the earth from where the wind pushed her. Huffing again she let out a bark, short tail thumping against Quin's leg. "Moooommaaa!" She called, whining to try and rose her sleeping form. She was bored of staying put in this cave, she wanted to get out and actually do something. There was only so much a young girl could be occupied by in a small den. If only the storm would pass so she could actually go outside and not catch a cold.

Charmeine rolled her teal eyes when her mother did not rose right away, her eyes slanting towards the exit of the cave. The rain couldn't hurt that much, could it? Huffing slightly she rolled over again, pulling herself to all four paws and marching towards the den door with determination in her steps. She was a brave girl! She wanted to go and find Daddy and play with him! Maybe he could be her shelter and she could march along under his black belly. Giggling at the thought she paused, stretching out a paw until a few drops landed on her fur. Gasping she pulled it back, looking down at it with wide eyes. Her fur was all wet and droopy now! Was that what this rain thing did? Curious, she slid out so that her front legs were sticking out, her butt in the air as her legs got all wet. Charm let out a few wild giggles as her white fur stuck close to her skin, enjoying this new game.

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.