
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
09-21-2014, 10:56 AM

He waited patiently for an answer from the woman, wondering if she would take up his offer and come visit him and his friends up north. It would be nice to have a new face around, especially when you have been around the same pawful and their kids for a few months after your pack was pretty much ripped apart. Finally she spoke and so his ears perked up to catch what she had to say. Destruction seemed to like the idea of a visit, then going into how ironic it was that she was pretty much doing the same thing but with family instead. Deviant chuckled at this, it was amusing and he understood if the visits weren't frequent because of this family.

Her group were staying in old Seracian lands, he didn't know who or what that was but would guess it was a pack that had broken apart, individuals going their separate ways. Would Imena or Cael know about it? He would take a mental note to ask them once he returned from here. She would also extend an invitation to the man, giving him permission to come visit them as well and how the youngest from the group would enjoy some company. The man smiled at this and gave a small nod of his head, he had a way with children, able to win them over easily just by being his normal self.

Something about what she said next would draw some curiosity from Deviant, the way she spoke of them being good wolves but she felt distanced from them. Did something happen between Destruction and the group to cause he rot feel that way, or was it like some families where one was just the oddball? From the way she shook her head and moved on the man would take the hint that she didn't want to linger on that, instead going and asking what territory his friends were staying in. While listening to her speak, Deviant had been gnawing on some bone, so when it was his turn he pulled away licking his chops and cleared his throat before speaking.

"We settled in a patch of low growing grass that is filled with willows." He finally answered, his head lifting and motioning towards the north before settling his gaze back on Destruction. "I believe it is called Whistling Willows." Front limbs stretched straight out in front of the male, head lowering and stretching out as well, his body starting to cramp out from sitting in the same position this whole time. Pulling his limbs and head back in he pushed himself up in a sitting position, giving his head a small shake. "It is a lovely place to raise children, heck, even I have some fun going through the curtains of leaves there." He chuckled, tail lightly wagging behind his large frame.

"What about you? What are these Seracian lands like that your family is staying in?" He questioned, curious as to what they were like. During his lifetime the man had traveled alot, not only with his wife to settle down but also when the family had split up, learning of various, different regions while looking for his children.

Awesome table by Requiem <3