
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



09-21-2014, 11:38 AM

He had hoped the brat would simply belly over as soon as he saw Feanor had every intention of fighting back, but sadly that was not the case. The landed blows hurt his shoulder and chest, but there was no time to worry about that. The boy kept going, pulling at the flesh on his chest in an unexpected turn of events. His [Feanor's] fangs dug into Salamander's left shoulder instead of his neck, causing Feanor to curse internally. He needed to act quickly, the boy swung his hips toward his left hip, an attack Feanor met head on by swinging his left hip at his [Sal's] right hip, legs spread, digits sinking into the sand to keep his balance. The result of the collision remained to be seen. between the swing of his hips and the frenzied thrashing the violet eyed cub had succeeded in breaking his[Feanor's] hold on his neck. in a flurry of blood, fur and flesh, the piece of chest in the boy's mouth tore away from his body, leaving him in a momentary stupor of agony.

He quickly came to his senses, as the boy attempted to step on his toes, his[salamander's] shoulder jutting upwards toward his[Feanor's] ribs and his [Salamander's] blood soaked jaws attempting to come down on his[Feanor's] spine. A full scale barrage. He rose onto his hind legs and twisted to the right, knees bent to support his weight. His jaws opened wide as he attempted to bite into the top of the boy's crown and throw his weight on top of Salamander's right side, he pulled his front legs to his chest before his left leg jutted outward, aiming for Salamander's right shoulder to force him to the ground further just as Salamander's foot came crashing down on top of his, crushing it into the sand. If he was successful Feanor would tighten his grip on the boy's skull until it drew blood, he refused to crush it, or apply any pressure that would do anything but leave puncture marks. His right leg remained tightly coiled against his chest, his ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, and tail raised, ready for close combat. His fur remained on end and his knees remained bent for support, no more than shoulder length apart and distributed equally between the two, the digits of his toes clenching the ground for support. His left front leg locked into place, tensed and sturdy as a block of wood as it prepared for impact.



Attacks: Swings left hip at Sal's right hip, attempts to bite into the top of Sal's skull, throw his weight onto Salamander's right side, and push his left leg into Salamander's right shoulder to force him on the ground

Defenses: Ears back, fur raised, tail raised, right arm against his chest, knees bent, legs shoulder length apart, weight distributed, eyes narrowed, toes clenched, left arm activated

Injuries: puncture wounds behind left shoulder, massive tearing to the chest, damaged left foot
