
The Rains of Today



09-21-2014, 07:03 PM

She still wasn?t sure if she?d ever catch up on her sleep, to her small daughter?s dismay the russet faced girl took naps frequently. Not that she could even take the young pup outside, the water was still pouring from the sky. The wind howled and would easily pick up her sweet charmeine and drag her away. No, it was much better that they just nap and stay within the den that Dhiren looked out for. The current siesta Guinevere was enjoying would be disrupted by a squeak and collision with said daughter. Charmiene had to entertain herself on occasions so Guinevere had grown a bit more accustomed to the disturbances.
Now though, the girl would include her mother in whatever game she?d been occupied with, her name would sound and bright yellow eyes would flutter open to peek at her curious child. She?d huff softly, barely conscious as she gave her attention. She?d hear paws retreat to the den?s entrance and more of a wakefulness would fill her body. Eyes would open a bit more as she shifted her features toward the bored pup. She?d watch as Charmiene played with the rain, a smile forming on her lips as she listened to the innocent giggles she uttered.
Finally Guin would sigh, pushing herself from the earth and coming to take a seat by her playing child. She?d smile lovingly, nudging her wiggling rump playfully before taking the girl?s scruff in her mouth quickly. A quick ?Hah!? would leave her lips as she pulled Charmiene back, paws would wrap around the girls form as she let go of her loose fur. ?What are you doing in the rain?!? She?d laugh as her muzzle reached down to tickle the girl?s exposed belly.

