
Hard Habits to Break



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-22-2014, 09:17 PM

She?d approach the empty den curiously, but even Albion would not offer any theories on the disappearance of these wolves. She would not be able to help him either, she?d only been within Alacritis for a moon or two and knew little of the surrounding lands and their inhabitants. The whole reason she was this far from Abaven was that she was trying to familiarize herself with the surrounding landscapes. He?d offer more of his thoughts on the matter, stating everything he?d found thus far and like him she could not draw any solid conclusions to the disappearance.
She would not offer her own opinion, she had no story building in her mind for as to why they might have left. There was no sign of distress or sudden bad happenings, it was very much mysterious. She?d nod, taking after his movement, now very much curious about the wolves that lived here. She?d follow just a few steps after him, meeting his bright gaze as he looked back over his shoulder. Listening as he continued with his words, he told her of how he had not come from these lands. He?d confess his wariness as well as his thoughts of the lands, and she felt very much similar.
Rhythm was from a much different place from this, the packs were different, the wolves and the landscapes. She was wary, but at the same time she felt curious of her surroundings and Chord got along rather well. "I?m not from here either." She?d smile softly, "It?s not terribly far away, I?ve only just joined my brother?s pack after leaving my parent?s." She?d all but tell him that she was as unsure of their surroundings as he was. She had little experience outside the pack and would show her naivety in unashamedly exploring by herself.
