
Not Everything Lasts[level bbs]



10 Years
09-23-2014, 12:33 PM

Ara would not take long to stir, it seemed just as quickly as Novel had found her feet Ara was there. Another whine would leave her lips, but she found comfort in Ara?s presence. Elohim would poke his head down into the den, his eyes curious as he took in the laboring she wolf. He was very much reluctant to go outside, so his form would stay where it was until absolutely needed. Maybe it would be a quick birth, for Novel?s sake. The pale girl would feel Ara?s nuzzle and it would be returned even though she would grit her teeth through another contraction. They were already so close together, she wasn?t sure that she?d even have to wait much longer.
She?d shake her head painfully as she endured the wave, unintentionally moving from Ara?s touch. Defeated she?d let a moan leave her lips before as her form was forced to the ground. No, she wasn?t alright. ?It hurts, so much.? her words only a whisper as she flailed slightly on the cold den floor, she hadn?t even laid back down on her pre made nest. It was too late to move now. In what seemed like an eternity, but miraculously was less than a few minutes, Novel would eventually start to give birth. The first of her puppies would enter the world as she struggled to expel him. He was a dark boy with faint lighter markings. He was rather big, but full of life as instinct took over and Novel removed him from the confines of the sack. Her tongue would lap over him gently before ushering him to her side where he would hopefully latch on and start to suckle.
For a moment she thought she was done, her body would relax and the first sights of her child would overcome her emotions. He was beautiful, and she knew already that she loved him. No matter the circumstances of his birth. ?Hymn.? She?d name him just as another contraction overtook her. She?d push once more and another pup would fall from her. This one a bit smaller, with obvious pale markings marring the same pattern of his brother. She hoped that Ara would be able to clean this pup. No matter how quickly she gave birth she felt an incredible drain upon her.

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