
Warrior Drums



11 Years
09-24-2014, 01:47 AM

Castiel flicked his tail, joy evident in his golden gaze as he looked at his sister. "You would be an excellent Alpha." Castiel spoke simply enough, but he was endlessly confident in Surreal. She would rule with strength but she would not be a harsh ruler; Surrel would be the kind of queen that wolves would die for. He would die for her, of course, but that one was kind of a given. Castiel would do anything for his family. They were what he lived and breathed for.

A solemn nod was all the movement Castiel made for a moment as he listened to his sister describe his plans for their mother. "She will be happy with that, I should think." Castiel twitched his ears, nodding absently to himself. His mother as a lead healer seemed to be something that he ought to expect by now. It was the only rank that he had ever seen her in. She belonged there, teaching the next generation. Perhaps Amia could further her training under Erani's tutelage - though he couldn't imagine that Erani would continue the tradition of the Nomads and complete the scar on the brown woman's forehead.

It took Castiel a moment to respond, his eyes blinking slowly as she spoke of her pack. "I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Surreal, and I am sure that Amia shares the same sentiment. I will follow you, and hopefully she will too." Absently the man twitched his tail at the thought of the healer woman that had stayed with him since his return to these lands. Even in the presence of his sister he found himself smiling at the thought of her - somehow he had grown fonder of Amia than he would have thought possible for anyone outside of his family.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.