
Extended Summer



1 Year
09-23-2014, 01:53 PM

Charon, who was this Charon fellow she was speaking to. Alectrona realized it was someone of Chione's imagination and wouldn't ask her about it. She smiled once again towards her sister "I know it may seem surprising but I truly want you to be the princess to be the next in line for leading the pack when mother and father have gone and I want to see that you make it there and whoever this Charon fellow is, is he saying something rude about me? its ok to tell me if they are or if something is bothering you, you can come to me and I'll listen" Alectrona let her smile fade but kept her gaze upon Chione. Hoping that maybe she would tell her what was going on and what her friend Charon was saying to her. She couldn't get mad at Chione if her friend was saying rude things about her and if Chione conveyed those words to Alectrona.

Alectrona just focused on what Chione wanted to be which was a princess. Why should Gaia be the one in line for the lead role if who was in power now was their parents, not Gaia's. For now it was just a glimmer of hope that one day Chione would take the leading role of the pack, to be the princess she wanted to be and eventually queen. Alectrona felt that she herself couldn't ever take the role because all she wanted was to learn and possibly that might mean leaving pack lands to find what she so craves. However it might not hurt to tell Chione what her own future plans might be "Chione, say we reach that time when we have to choose a specialty or whatever it is you want to call it, would it be wrong if I wanted to learn everything so I could help everyone particularly help you and Hercules reach your goals and take hold of them" Alectrona didn't know if Chione and Hercules would support her or not but it wouldn't matter. What mattered to Alectrona was that she supported them.

How would their parents take to hearing of what Alectrona wanted. Would they support her for wanting to learn everything about all the duties and still train in them if she could. Despite the fact she would have to select one as her specialty would she be locked out of the others? this brought many questions to the inquisitive pup and many of which might never find a answer to. Once more she focused on Chione and smiled before speaking again "Promise me you will get what you seek to obtain and that is becoming the princess, I believe in you Chione, I believe in my beloved sister".
