
somewhere between unsure & a hundred



7 Years
09-24-2014, 08:58 AM
marked M for violent and bad language, and who knows, maybe some kissing and making up after ;)

The fight was over, but the war was not. It had only just begun. They were both battered and bruised, both in need of time to recover, but they would not wait long. Natalya would seek out her allies soon, to tell them of the woman that had not only taken their lands, but the children of their family as well. The lands may have been forgivable, but not this. She knew exactly who she could seek for aid, and she would waste little time in doing so. But first... First she had to attend to problems at home.

Helios, her beloved husband, had submitted. He had handed their lives to the awful creature that sought to take them, rather than continuing to defend their honor. Natalya would never leave him, she never could. But she was angry. She was beyond angry, and she intended to make it known. She sought him out, wherever on the mountain he sat, while the children explored and others wet about their business. She cornered him, fire running through her veins, before attempting to pull him down to his back by the scruff with a fierceness unlike any other she had shown. She wanted to be standing over him when she screeched, in a voice not unlike that of her raven companion.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Submitting?! Because of you, our family is divided. We stand here to plot our revenge while that wicked gamoto mouni tis laspis (Look it up if you want to know, I don't think you do XD) keeps your great nieces and nephews hostage, while she teaches them ways that conflict with our every belief. Have you no pride, Helios Olympus?" Her voice was laced with venom and tears began to well in her eyes, but they did not spill over. She was angry, but she was also hurt. She had never imagined she could feel such disappointment in a brute she loved and admired so much.

talk, think

Message for the Queen by Tyler Bates on Grooveshark