
i'm hear to scream, 'no'



7 Years
09-24-2014, 09:41 AM

She came in like she was on fire, sprinting to old Ludicael at the first opportunity to split from the pack. Helios still was unaware that she had come here before, and she did not tell him she was coming here now. Poe did his best to guide her along with her clicking so that she did not crash on the way, and they were fortunate to make it without injury. The moment she reached the territory Natalya released a shaky, urgent call for the alphess. The sky had darkened around her and she was certain it would soon pour. Now was not the time to be here, but she needed to get to the packs quickly. This one she knew for certain would not fail her. Not with what was at stake.

The festival was going to be held as planned on the mountain. There was going to be a wedding and a feast. It was all going to be just fine. But there could be no wedding without a bride, without her family. The wench had taken Virgil's children without giving them a choice, stolen Olympians from Olympians. She would get them back, but she needed aid. Her family was mostly children, and without the 7 that had been taken their numbers were low. She did not yet have the warriors she needed. Natalya needed the allies to come to her aid.

Song could not fail her. Those children were her family too and their existence was threatened by the heathen who kept them. Natalya could not imagine the other queen letting them rot there without doing a thing about it. She hoped she was not mistaken.

talk, think

and quoth the raven, "nevermore"