
let the ravens gather


09-24-2014, 10:18 AM

He would watch in silence, almost horrified by his own disinterest in the bloodshed. He had been around this too much lately... He would press himself into Gaia, bicolored eyes hooded as he watched each and every movement the wolves before him made. Every so often a splash of crimson would be thrown from the battle and his eyes would follow it with a mild interest. He was not really paying attention to the bickering behind him, at least not until he heard Gaia's name. Immediatly his ears would prick and skull would snap around to finally tune into what was happening. Gaia killed at birth? Immediatly he was up, ears pinned and piped curled as he put himself between Gaia and her aunt as if she might turn around and kill her niece at any moment. How dare she! Natalya's response was rediculious and Solo found himself snorting in disgust. "Other senses? Ha! I have family who is blind, they embrace it but you... You couldn't even be bothered to lift a paw in defense for your own pack." There was rage there, it churned and bubbled within him then young male as he bristled.

He shouldn't be talking back to her but if the gods wished to smite him for talking back to his alpha then so be it. "On day Gaia will be 10x's the leader you ever were..." You worthless hasben, he spat mentally. And thats when all hell broke loose, Helios submitted, the black woman won and Natalya attack some black and good lady with the crippled child. Fuck sakes... He listened to the black woman for a time, force claiming Virgil's children...? His eyes flew wide and that rage disapated. But there was a chance. He could submit himself to her and be part of her pack. If that was what Gaia wanted... He looked at her, hoping to see some, any, emotion that might give him guidance. But whatever he was looking for was not found in her features and he would turn to look the to black woman. "I will submit myself and await judgment when you are less preoccupied..." His words were sure, they were solid. Hopefully she would hear him over the sounds of new battle. He was rewmbling now, shaking with rage more then anything. He wanted to hurt Natalaya now...