
And the trumpets they go~


09-24-2014, 03:51 PM

The call for a spar would have her leaving the den behind, in favor of searching for the caller. Her pace was slow so she didn't bump into anything but when she finally arrived, a familiar face was waiting. A smile would lift her lips. "Looking for a spar?" She would inquire with a tip of her crown, defenses slowly settling into place. Her last fight had not been that long ago, but this would be her first chance to see how she managed in a spar with only one eye. Silently she hoped the woman would not go easy on her.

Her eye would narrow, ears pinned and hackles raised. Her crown lowered to be level with her spine, chin tucked against her throat while tail leveled with her spine. Limbs would spread equidistant, bending at the joint while toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Broad shoulders would roll forward. neck scrunching to protect her vitals. Her weight would distribute evenly across all for limbs, her balance set and ready.

"You may have the first move." Lips would lift in a snarl, pushing extra skin around her eyes. Jaws would unhinge in anticipation as she stood still. She aimed to have about three separate herself and her opponent, and when she had approached, she had attempted to keep the woman directly in front of her so that she could easily see the yellow female.

SIBELLE vs LIBRA for SPAR: round 0/2?

"Talk" "You" Think