
It's Time To Begin, Isn't It?



5 Years
09-24-2014, 06:22 PM

Raisa's heart jolted in her chest. Her daughter was so near... Her child, her own blood. Memories began to swirl around her, thick in her mind, threatening to drown her in their desperate need to be remembered. All the things she had done, too terrible to live with and far too meaningful to forget. The ex-Queen knew she would be in this state of limbo until she died, balanced on a razor's edge between madness and crushing failure. She had built herself a hell, and folly had been her foundation. When the smaller creatures turned to move away Raisa could do nothing but the same, moving as if in a haze. She began to quiver, very slightly, a trace of her shaking fits left in her bones even then. She wondered if she would ever be rid of them...

But there she was. Her little girl, the pale reflection of her own being, laying there on the forest floor. Tear trails stained her cheeks to the color of iron, closer to Raisa's own natural hue. Her mothering instincts, if she ever truly had them to begin with, urged her to rush to her daughters side and lap the saline away, wash away her sadness. You are the source, whispered a malicious voice from deep within her mind. Your presence will only exacerbate this situation, you fool. Raisa's jaw clenched and relaxed, clenched again and relaxed again. She wanted so badly to say something but she could only stare. Her stomach was a knot of iron, tense to the point of pain. Desperately she wanted to flee, she was not ready for this confrontation... But no. Never again. She opened her mouth and attempted to say something but the words would not come. Her mind wished so desperately to plead for her daughter's forgiveness, it shone in her eyes like a beacon, but the words had lodged in her throat. Koros looked at his master with a growing sense of horror, feeling in his bones that something was terribly wrong.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!