
Warrior Drums



7 Years
09-24-2014, 06:55 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Her brothers belief that she would be an excellent alpha brought a smile to her face, a chuckle leaving her parted jaws. ?Well, we won?t know that for sure until I?ve led a pack for a while. But I hope you?re right. Mother was a great Alpha, but I feel that maybe some took advantage of her great kindness. I won?t tolerate wolves who don?t stick around and attend to their duty to the pack.? And perhaps her own brother would be the one who would make sure these rules would never be forgotten. She would, she decided, announce these rules that she had rolling through her head, at the time of her taking control completely. All those there who wished to stay with her pack and family would not be able to say they hadn?t been warned. She made a mental note to be sure her higher ranking wolves; those with the ability to accept new wolves, would list these rules to any new wolf on the borders; wherever those borders would be.

Castiel agreed with her assumption that Erani would be happy with A lead Healer rank. Erani had already made it known that she would be glad to stay in that rank, to train the next generation. She noted her brothers momentarily distant expression, as though his thoughts had wandered slightly, and it took him a moment before he answered. IT was everything she had hoped for, but his mention of Amia, the Nomad who had been a part of Valhalla, made Surreal grin wickedly, all little sister mischief. ?Somebody has a crush.? It was almost sing song, the way she said it, and she raised a teasing paw and poked for her brothers broad chest with the toes, a laugh panting from her jaws. She didn?t mind at all. It meant more little family members running around. Speaking of?

Pride glowed in her eyes as her head lifted high. ?Secondly! You, are going to be an uncle.? In her typical fashion, her rear began wiggling, tail sweeping dust into the air. ?I have a mate. His name is Falk, and I do think he and you will get along very nicely.? Her jaw cracking grin showed just how happy she was with this male that she had claimed as a mate.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.