
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]



5 Years
09-24-2014, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 08:13 PM by Irune.)

She would sit there next to Quelt, ears forward, head held high and amber eyes sharp. Though her figure was stiff, strong, a small sound of affection rumbled in her throat as Quelt laid a kiss to her head. In a way she needed it, just as he needed her here. She was slightly not sure how to go about being proper before a pack that now looked up to her and Quelt to protect them. Her eyes roamed over the gathering wolves, already finding a spot in her heart for them. These were her pack mates, these were the wolves she was in charge with Quelt. For the first time, having someone look up to her and to feel important was refreshing. Nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath. Already those gathered, their scents were mingling together as one, the scent of Isokan.

Her gaze never missed the reaction between the darker female and a younger girl. She remained indifferent to the reactions but took note of it and stored it away. Silently she listened to her mate explain the workings of the pack and how everything would run. She would nod softly at the end of it, a smile playing on her lips. That was till someone spoke up about her family. Amber eyes zeroed in on the wolf in the dark corner, the glow of fire sparking to a blaze. "You're right. We Armada's are high driven for dominance. Thankfully my successful sister and brother from Bevroren are our allies.". She replied. Her gaze would travel to Mariposa the darker one who looked like she would have snapped at the young girl if everyone had not been here. "I like your drive and passion for thinking of the well being of the pack. Perhaps you can help me tone up my skills?" Already she like the other female, the spark she saw ignite in her. Temper some called it, she called it life.

Eyes rested on the rest of the pack." Also I want everyone to know I do have skills in healing. Should anyone get hurt or fall ill please call for me. I will not deny anyone in need of a healer, even that of an outsider. And i'd be more than willing to teach anyone the art of a healer. Maybe once things get moving i'll hold basic training for everyone. It is important that ever wolf know the necessities in healing." She would stand then, pausing for a moment to let anyone to reply if they wished to. Head turned back to look at Quelt, nodding to him. She'd join him in a few, she wanted to get to know her pack, and the pups.