
The Eye of the Storm[event thread]



6 Years
09-24-2014, 08:45 PM

Anthem had never been a big fan of rain. Even the gentlest of drizzles was mildly distressing to him. He greatly preferred the bright sunshine; he liked when the flowers stood tall and strong and the air was filled with their floral scent, rather than the damp smell of rainwater.

The storms had quickly rolled in over the lands of Sawtooth, the steady and rhythmic beating of rain on the earth slowly growing more and more ferocious. A sigh left the pale-furred man's lips as he pressed his back to the side of his den. His chosen place to sleep was small, especially for a full-grown man, but he appreciate the feeling of the walls against him and the security the enclosure offered him. Of course, it was common for him to romp into the sleeping dens of his many siblings and other family members, but the rain had kept him inside for most of the last few days. Anthem had no interest in getting wet, and as he heard thunder cracking somewhere in the distance, he grew even less willing to leave the safety of his den.

Though the storm was upsetting, he only grew panicked when he felt the cold water seeping into the fur of his paws and belly. Suddenly, with painful clarity, he realized how badly he missed Novella and the rest of Threar. They were not far, and he knew he was welcome into their home anytime, but he knew they were further away than they had been before. What if he needed them, he wondered? He missed Symphony most of all, for she hadn't spoken to him much since her return. A whimper escaped his lips as he pulled himself onto all fours. What would he do now? The floor of his den was wet and he didn't like the idea of lying in a puddle of water, but the skies were pouring rain -- either way, he would be getting wet.

He was happy to hear Song's call ring out over the lands. Her guidance was needed, and quickly he would duck his head low as he barreled somewhat dramatically from his den, as though he could outrun the rain as he made his way to his sister's call. Paws would carry him quickly over the slick ground, almost losing traction with the earth as he moved hurriedly toward Song. He had not been far from her, but the walk alone had distressed him -- now that he was soaked to the bone, shivering from the cold of the wind and rain. He let a whimper escape his throat as he moved to press his nose to her face, needing reassurance, wondering what they were doing.