

Sixx I


05-21-2013, 08:04 AM
?? ?Sixx growled, stalking his prey. Biding his time. He was crouched watching a young female playing in the woods.His paws spread out to reduce his sounds. He froze in his position as an older female came with the younger... Obviously the mother. He snorted lightly. This wasn't going to be easy.?

?? ? ?But why? Why would Sixx, being roughly five miles away from the southernmost tip Glaciem territory. Two simple reasons. One: he was bored and two: the mother and daughter pair were thinking about joining Glaciem and he didn't want them gaining an experianced huntress such as the mother. He switched targets. Hed much rather them gain an inexperianced ?yearling than a five yearold who can bring home the bacon. He waited on her to turn her back and pounced.?

?? ?The older female yelped in surprize and turned in attemot to fight back but Sixx had already grabbed her neck and had her pinned. He held her body down with one paw as she thrashed in his grip. Her air running out. She choked out one command to her pup. "run" and then, she breathed her last in his grip as Sixx shook violently, tearing her throat the shreds. He looked up to see that the yearling was gone. He snorted in irritation as he was faced with two choices. Either go after her and kill her too or let her run and tell Glaciem of his evil.?
??He hessitated a moment then took off in a dead sprint. He let a barbaric snarl pass his lips as he darted through the forest. He ran as fast as he could, his paws barely touching the ground. He struggled to keep up with Ithurial. Occasionaly he'd get close enough to nip at her heels and scare her forward, but then she'd dart off ahead. She was lighter and faster than he was, given her tiny size.?

He barely paid any mind to the change in terains. Going from leaves to snow rather abruptly. He gave a snort as he plowed through then skidded to an abrupt stop at the pack border. A curse under his breath as she kept running. He turned and trotted away before anyone would hopefully see him
[exit Sixx]