
The Storm Sings Fiercely [Event]



7 Years
09-24-2014, 09:04 PM
(Hope you don't mind me scaring off the bear.)

Surreal: 1 Bear: 0


The male introduced himself as Albion. Surreal nodded, watching as he stepped away to shake himself as dry as a wolf with wet fur could get in a rain storm. Something seemed to catch his attention, however, and he stepped forward. Surreal rose to her paws, peering in the same direction. His curse and identification was followed by a rather startling declaration of running. And like that, the silver, white, and dark splotched male was bounding away like a cowardly little mouse.

Surreal stared after the male in mild shock. Her instincts had led her to this particular crop of rocks for a good reason. The underside of the stones that had fallen, years ago to make this shelter were barely half a foot above her ears. That bear was not going to get in there with her. So she retreated to the furthest point away from the ledge mouth, turning and squaring. Soon enough, the bears beady eyed face popped into sight, a brief flash of lightning illuminating the head and shoulders. It was a black bear. Unlike a Grizzly, Black bears were more cowardly, and less willing to duke it out over a measly patch of dry air that it couldn?t even fit into.

Its short sighted eyes, dazed by the flash of lightning, blinked, and it snuffled curiously. Possibly hoping to wedge in anyway. Judging by its relaxation, it hadn?t noticed the small den was occupied. That worked to her advantage. No way was she letting this bear stick around the willows, where children were around. So the element of surprise was needed. She waited until the precise moment, then lunged forward, a guttural roar erupting from her throat. She slashed for the startled bear?s muzzle with gaping jaws, carving a pair of gashes across the brown muzzle before the bear scarpered. It wasn?t sure what had hit it, and wasn?t willing to wait around in case whatever it was had been bigger and better equipped to kick it?s furry rear. Surreal lunged forward in time to see the bear, a juvenile, now that she looked more closely at it, tumble head over rump down the slope, splash into a stream, then stumble away, in the direction it had come from.

Surreal shook her head slowly. Normally, she wouldn?t even mess with a black bear. But with her family, and her second cousins, so young, nearby, she would fight a grizzly if it meant they?d be alright. Granted, had she been in the open, she would have run, being pregnant with precious lives. Now that the threat was past, she sat down, and waited for the adrenaline to stop thrumming through her veins, and for her heart to slow down.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.