
Not Everything Lasts[level bbs]



10 Years
09-24-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 09:09 PM by Ara.)

Though she knew births could be surprising, and come much more quickly than anticipated, somehow she hadn't expected Novel's to be so sudden. The rain had prevented her from gathering a good store of herbs, and neither of them had eaten much during the last week. Instantly a whimper threatened to fall, a soft sound that lingered on her lips before she grew silent. The contractions had came quickly and with little warning. Sapphire gaze was locked on Novel as she dropped to the ground, writhing in pain that rattled her small frame. 'It hurts, so much,' she would tell her -- Ara didn't know what to say. She could only imagine the kind of pain that she must be feeling. Instantly she felt her head spinning, wondering what she could do to possibly help.

Would she even be able to call anyone from the thunder that rolled overhead?
Or would the steady pounding of rain stifle her anxious cries for help? Ara rarely, if ever, doubted herself, but she felt a tension growing in her belly that felt strangely like fear. Quickly she would tip her head back, letting out a loud call for anyone who might -- by some great miracle -- be able to hear.

But no help would come. At least, not as quickly as she had hoped. She would place gentle kisses to Novel's belly as she shifted to lay beside her, massaging her stomach firmly. It wasn't long before something amazing happened. Two tiny boys, one moving quickly and with instinct, but the second was smaller and Novel was already tired. Gently she would lean to clean the boy, nearly shaking as her tongue touched him, amazed at how small and frail he was. He was perfect, despite everything, and she swore she felt tears welling up in her eyes. "..and Psalm," she would whisper, the name seeming to fit as she suggested it, her voice much more confident than she felt. Gently she nudged Psalm closer to his mother, watching as his own instincts took over and he began to suckle.

Everything was okay. It seemed incredible that Novel had done this, largely unaided, with nothing to dull the pain, with the support of nobody but herself. A sigh left her lips, a smile threatening to tug at her lips. "You are amazing," wary words would flow from her mouth without realizing. "And your children are beautiful. Rest, and I'll watch them." Though she hoped some of the pack might hear her call and come to check on Novel, she was content to be quiet and watch over her babies, hardly able to imagine how tired she might be -- and barely able to believe how strong she was despite all that she had endured.