
And mend me through this song I sing



7 Years
09-25-2014, 06:10 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2014, 06:11 AM by Emer.)

Emer certainly didn't wish to lose sight of her daughter either. It had been far too long since she had seen the girl and now she had her again she couldn't bear parting once more. Now she had lost all of her family at least once, she desperately longed to rebuild them, gather them all around her again and losing Cecily again would be a very poor start to that ambition.

That being said heading inside was not something that the woman wished to do at all. First panic was who this Bass was, her second was of course in regards to her heat, the last time she had sheltered in an enclosed area and ran into strangers it had resulted in Cecily, Taddeo and Signy. As much as she loved her children she did not want that happening ever again. Fear was already filling the poor woman even at the mere idea of enclosing herself somewhere.

She would shake her head, initially unaware of the action but still she clearly did not wish for that. She was tired, she needed rest but no, not in there. "No. No, I can't." She had always tried to keep such fears away from her children, but there had been a number of times now that nightmares her reduced her to a quivering wreck in front of her son and now it seemed that the same fears would emerge before Cecily as well. Taddeo had never questioned, hopefully Cecily would not either, she couldn't bear to ever tell them the truth nor did she wish to instil such fear in her children.

by kat