
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-25-2014, 06:56 AM

Title, well he was a rogue now so had no title so that one was easy enough, as for appearance well Isi could safely say she hadn't seen another wolf quite like him in terms of looks so that could help make things simpler too. "He's tall." That trait wasn't a hard one to achieve really when you compared him to the Koval family though she'd let that one slide for now. "He's mostly black, but half of his face is white. One of his ears is too, but he's got a brown paw and his eyes are different colours. He was always scruffy looking too." The fighter certainly wasn't exactly the most elegant looking men, not that Isi herself could really be called a princess.

"He's a rogue now so no title but I think his name was Vaughan Xa-something-or-other..." She gave up pretty swiftly with that one, no variation at all sounding quite right within her mind. "Nah, I can't remember it." She would declare simply. "Hopefully he knows it, would be a right mess if he's forgotten who he is too."