
One in the same


11-16-2014, 10:14 PM

She steadily grew bolder with each word, causing him become a little bolder. His eyes brows would wiggle suggestively as he made a noncommittal grunt before looking away briefly. When she spoke of wanting to get away, he could agree. He knew what it was like to want to get away, to forgot everything a little bit. And because of that he wouldn't question it. But when she had leaned into him, he would snap to attention. Her nose was so close to his, all he needed to do was lean a little bit more. And so he would, trying to press his nose to hers before she seemed to realize what she was doing and leaned away from him again. She would clear her throat, trying to clear the tension that had formed between them. He would lean back, a shy smile toying with his russet lips. Uncertainty surrounded him. This was new ground that he had no experience in. Perhaps he should talk to Kylar when he got home. He would fall silent, having no idea what to say any longer. He would fidget, strategically bringing himself about an inch or closer. His attention remained intently on her, watching her with faint curiosity in his bright eyes.
