
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-25-2014, 07:22 PM
family only please

The storm raged on, raining pouring down endless, thunder cracking the sky. And even as mother nature forced her wrath pun them, she would steadily grow weaker. She was so weak that she had been unable to answer her brothers call at the beginning of the storm. Her boys were out and about, there was very little that could confine them to the den, even though both were not to pleased with the move. Amarant had voiced his displeasure, his attitude had changed, and Koray spent much of his time asleep or wandering. She would sigh, but it quickly turned into a hacking cough. Her frail body would rattle helplessly as her cough subsided to a wheeze. She had known for a long time that she was ill. Sick and slowly dying. Unknown to her, she had cancer.

Curled within the confines of her den, her sides would rise and fall with shaky breaths. A doom fell around her and she knew what needed to be done. With great care she would begin to groom her pelt. She would wash away the dust a debris, carefully placing each hair in its place. She would bathe herself from head to toe. Rising, she would move to the mouth of her den, her steps slow and weary. Sticking her head out, she would let loose a weary call for her family. Backing up, she would lay down in her designated place, limbs folding beneath her delicately. She had lost weight, the only thing that had kept her from looking like a skeleton was the fact that she had forced herself to eat regularly for her boys sake. Her crown would lower to her paws, a cough raking her body again.

Eyes would flutter close, consciousness ebbing. A peaceful death, it wasn't that bad of a way to go. Part of her felt weak for leaving her children orphaned. Their father was gone, and now she was living her last few moments. How would they fair? Would they be okay without her? She had taught them as much as possible, but they were still so young. A sigh would lift her sides, her breath whooshing out softly. Peace would surround her, the world slowly slipping away. But she needed to hang on. She needed to say goodbye to her boys. She needed to tell them she loved them.
