
Stop The Fire

Motif I


4 Years
09-25-2014, 07:35 PM

The two sisters hadn't seen each other for a while, and she couldn't help but think that she wasn't sure what to say. Talking about the rapids was easy enough, she had braved them before on their quieter parts, and Bass might have pushed her in a time or two. The almost twins would take a seat beside her and Motif's couldn't help but think it was almost like looking into a reflection. A reflection on a deep blue lake with the shades of the ocean overtaking the colours of her eyes. There coats weren't replica's of course, Motif had scars where Ryhthem did not , and well both had tinges of silver on the outskirts of some of their brown hairs, Rythemn had more of the colour, and each light and dark ripple in their coats was in different places. Other this this change born by nature there was the change born by lifestyle. The muscles under their coats bunched in different places from their own directions in life. Moti'fs marked hers as a runner, one who could out distance and out pace a lot of wolves from the ease of practice.

She was caught up, thinking about the changes in the direction their lives had gone when Rythmn spoke. Motif blinked a moment, and smiled thoughtfully. ?I didn't think I would like it here, but I surprised myself. I had spent so much time before this wondering, but, the difference of living here isn't in a bad way like I would have thought. These wolves challenge me, in spars as well as life in general, and I get to watch out for Bass, he needs a lot of watching out for? she was teasing him already, and he wasn't even in her presence.
