
you're my hero

Motif I


4 Years
09-25-2014, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 12:38 PM by Bass.)

After the hunt and the pack was fed the girl needed to re-ensure how Bass was doing. She ensured the prey went to each member of the pack and that the youngest and injured got their share. This done, and Bass's pack mostly seen to she would seek him out. He was where she had left him, still slumped on the earth and her heart twisted at the sight of him. What was it that had struck him so hard? More mayhem to the pack after his challenge for a member that had left him injured for so long? Maybe it was the thought of failure, that he had failed that fight and now he was failing to stop this weather that was destroying their territory, or the death of a member that no one got to in time. They had all tried, had all worked together but no one could stop these bad things from happening, not even Bass, he had to understand that.

The Alpha girl made her way to her side, she didn't say a word but simply curled up about him, the brother she loved so much she had given up her freedom for him and found that this life was even better then the one she had left. When her coat was entwined with his she would rumble softly and soothingly deep in her throat like a mother might to comfort a child as she held him and wished she could get across the knowledge that everything would be alright.