
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-25-2014, 11:16 PM

She could see the shock on his face, but it wasn't completely registering. He would rise, curling around her and blanketing her in his warmth. She would sigh, leaning into, burying herself in his side. How long she had waited to feel her fathers love again. His choked words would barely register. "I need to see my boys." Her voice would rise in panic. Her father would embrace her, his head resting against her shoulders and pulling into his embrace. He would keep them safe. He beckoned her to go, to go find her mother. A defiant growl, weak as it was, would leave her throat. She was not ready dammit! Her gaze would focus on the mouth of her den, waiting to see her sons faces.

She wanted just a few more moments with them. She wanted to to tell them that she loved them, that they needed to go out and be good boys. They would be okay. She would always be watching them, whether or not they knew it. And she that her father and brother would take care of her boys, they would be safe from the cruel world until they could properly defend themselves. Her breathing slowed, each breath growing more and more shallow. Fighting off the darkness was exhausting her, she simply wanted to close her eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

She could the invisible force pulling her, dragging her away from the light she was so desperately clinging to. "Colten, Amarant." Their names would leave her tongue on a strangled breath. Her body would sag, an eery coldness grasping at her paws. Fear began to creep in. She didn't want to die. But she couldn't fight any longer, she simply didn't have the strength. A single tear would slip down her cheek, desperately hoping her boys would make it in time. It was all she cared about. She needed to see them.
