
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-25-2014, 11:42 PM

As the boy did often, maybe even every day since the summer began with the storms, Amarant laid in the very center of Fern Gully, belly up letting the rain soak his pelt.

When he heard Maia call, he didn't budge. Most of the time wasn't very important and she never seemed to rush him, never seemed angry as he came to her demand late. Just a little while longer...

Not realizing how much time had passed, he would bounce up and start running to their den, a large grin glued to his maw in an effort to make her see that he was getting used to being here. Even though that was a complete lie.

He would jump into the mouth of the den, his smile ripping off his face and turned into a tiny, menacing growl. But instead of asking of the stranger's reason of being here, his dull optics would turn to Maia and his ears would gently pull back. He approached the two, being on the opposite side of the other male and going to his knees next to his mother. He pushed his head between her two front legs and squiggled his way so the back of his neck was aligned with her throat. He didn't care if he rubbed anywhere against the stranger, but almost forgot he was there at all.

"Mama?" He would whisper, his nose pushing against her chin.

He did not see her death this close, he never even noticed her illness, but it was his own instinct not to freak out. He didn't really believe that she was dying, just that she was really tired and needed a long nap.

And at this moment, he thought of Koray. He hated him, hated his brother for not spending time with either of them. He probably wouldn't show now, and it would only infuriate Amarant more later.

If anything, Amarant hated himself. He just wanted one more moment laying in the rain...

One more moment he could never get back...

Walk "Talk" Think