
New Insights



1 Year
09-26-2014, 01:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The young girl's green eyes were wide and focused as she stared at the patchwork male, listening to everything that he had to tell her about his training and trying in a way to apply it to herself and her own practices. If she was ever going to get up to the standards that both this male and her brother fought with, then she needed to learn as much as she could so as to better her chances. Obviously not all opponents were going to be as huge as Kau was, but knowing how he worked, and how others like him might work, would likely give her an advantage if it ever came down to it.

The fact he did not train regularly was surprising to her, especially considering his skill she had watched him display. He seemed far too comfortable in that setting, far too ready to see things come to blows, to really justify having so little practice and finding so few partners to train with. But as he went on she started to think she understood. His training came from the place where he had been born, instilled in him from an early age and obviously it had stuck with him even now. Bera felt a little envious of him for it. She would have loved to have been trained in her old pack, her old home, but girls had never really been given that privilege, and those who did pursue it had always been treated unfairly for their deviation from the norm. But at least she was out of that setting now and free to pursue her interests without judgment.

He seemed to grow more serious a he went on to warn her about training too much, bringing to light a fact about it she had yet to consider. She might never have seen exactly what he spoke of - she had been expected to stay with her sisters rather than train with the boys - but Bera had her own ideas about it. She had seen Arnporr get angry and throw fits. Likely it followed along those same lines of getting so crazy mad you could hardly control yourself. "I wouldn't get like that," she promised, confident though she had never been tested in it. But she had always been really good at keeping her temper in check, of not allowing things to get to her the same way they did her sisters and make her act irrationally or in fright. She felt sure she was steady enough to bypass any blood lust or berserker state that Kau spoke of.