
Where the ravens gather


09-26-2014, 07:35 PM

ooc;; too lazy to go back and see if solo caught her name, going to assume he did :x

He would not be kept waiting long and for that he was appreciative. As soon as her dark form came into view the young male would lift himself into a standing position to greet her. Tail was held respectfully low, skull kept in line with his spine as to show no dominance. She was the queen here. But as she came to stand before him his head would dip low into a bit of a bow or recognition and respect. "Thank you for coming, I'm sure you have more pressing matters to attend then the silly whims of a child..." Fuck, there it was again. That hopelessness. He closed his eyes for a moment and drew a breath before opening them and forcing his next words. "I will take as little time as possible. First congratulations on your victory, you fought well and I respect that. Though I do not agree with you taking children I am sure you have your reasons and I respect that. So on that note may I ask what your plans are with them? With Gaia? She is to be my wife and I do care for her. If you would allow I would wish to stay with her here... Of course I would help you and your pack in any way during my time..." He cut himself off before he started rambling too much. Inwardly wincing at how much he had said already.