
but soft, what light through yonder window breaks?



4 Years
09-26-2014, 08:38 PM

She had been part of Ethereal a little while, and now the giantess had amassed an impressive hoarde of odds and ends in her cavern back in the pack's territory. She was quite proud of it, to say the least. Powerful paws struck the terra within the caverns as she headed toward the mouth of the cave. Now that she had a job to take care of, which meant telling stories for the wee ones, she was going to have to gather the whelps now. Standing in the brilliant sunshine that was falling from the sky above, she felt like it would be a good day to tell fanciful tales. The late summer rays sunk through her thick pelt, and the ashen dame was quite content. Yes, stories and fantasies were called for on this day. Lifting her large crown, nostrils would caress the sky as she let out a sonorous call. Any children which wished to join her for a tale would be welcome, and even a few adults if they so chose. Birds called to one another, their pleasant trillings a lovely ambiance for what she had planned. Today's tale would have to involve heroics, yes. Princesses? Of course. Now for a villain. Wicked witch? No, not cool enough. Dragons? Nah, something less clich?.

Giants. Perfect. With a small smile, the femme seated herself upon the sun baked stone floor and let her charcoal tipped plume lay itself down beside her haunch. Mismatched optics scanned over the territory around her, wondering if anyone would actually show up. She wouldn't be upset, just somewhat disappointed. Maybe children were different here, and didn't enjoy stories as she had when she was young. It would only be discovered over time. So, she simply relaxed in the sunshine and let the tale for the day play through her mind. While this wasn't quite as nice as being back in the Caves of the Past, but these caverns were quite interesting. There were odd things all about, like someone must have lived there once. She'd explore it more later on, most likely.

Walk "Talk" Think">