
let the ravens gather



5 Years
09-26-2014, 09:12 PM

Chatter, chatter, chatter?. blah, blah, blah?. it was a ceaseless cacaphony that tested even D?gmar's patience. The wraith rolled her eyes as she took a few steps back to give the new queen room to breath. The Olympians were squawking away like a flock of hens. The battle was over. What the fuck were they still doing here? Emerald eyes gave a side long glance at Katja. She was ready to start plucking feathers all she needed was an order.

And things got some how that much more interesting and that much worse. Some golden floozy came fluttering in and screeching? something about kids? Ah right, the new Queen, Katja, wanted to keep some of the whelps. D?gmar couldn't imagine why, particularly the gray blind one. She was practically useless as a soldier no matter how much the elder, black-eyed hag insisted it was not a disability. Maybe she'd get into healing or something?. tail twitched at the threat of a death match. Well that was fucking perfect. She rolled her eyes skyward. O Lady Fortuna?. what the hell did I do to piss you off so? To join a pack only to have the possibility of it being lost thrust upon her mere seconds after the victory? Utter rubbish! D?gmar quite frankly was ready to throw herself in front of the golden wolf and just be done with it. But there were still a few things she had left to do?

Despite her outward signs of nonchalance the femme was in fact listening quite carefully as Katja and Virgil exchanged words. She quickly took in the different accounts, piecing together information, picking out names and titles, anything that might prove to be of use later. Her frame shifted slightly though at the mention of the golden femme's victories. Katja had fought brilliantly, that much could not be denied to a trained fighter such as D?gmar. To see another who was her equal and on occasion her better? That was tempting. A glint of hunger twinkled in her eyes at the thought of meeting the golden harlot in battle but for now she held back. She was in the process of joining a newborn pack. She would struggle with her patience a bit longer. D?gmar bit back a chuckle at the words of the former failed queen. Yes, the pups could act as rogues and wander as they would be not without consequence. If they didn't behave themselves, Virgil might find herself returning to some with a few missing limbs. Of course?. D?gmar's gaze shifted to Katja. The pups, for whatever reason, were of value to Katja. D?gmar had been around long enough to realize that she would probably not be allowed to maul the little beasts. But she was patient?. sooner or later she'd get the chance to let out some steam. Gaze shifted to Laufey as a grin spread across her maw.