
Hard Habits to Break


09-26-2014, 10:44 PM

Albion wasn't overly familiar with the ranking of messenger. He could only assume in entailed what it would seem to on the surface level, and nodded along as she spoke. He could imagine knowing the lay of the land would indeed be an important skill for someone like her to have. He grinned, coming up with half of some little joke, poorly formulated, and letting it slip away once more. It wasn't worth fleshing it out anyways and it had already done it's job. He was smiling when he said, "Messenger, huh? In my home land we had all sorts of nobility, but the working folk all trained to be knights. Ebon knight woulds hunt and fight, Sola knights would heal and study and advise. So I supposed you'd make a decent knight in either rank." Asking about his own skills nearly had his eyes rolling. As far as talents went, he was pretty poor.

He preferred fleeing as to fighting, talking his way out of something rather than facing it. Was it honorable? In his mind the better question was 'Who cares, as long as your alive to remember it?' Still, he was hardly so callous when he put his mind to it. "This and that," he said simply. "I'm more of a 'Jack of all trades, master of none' sort. Handy when it comes to getting by, but anything else is another matter." He allowed himself a self-deprecating laugh. It actually was funny how incapable he chose to be. Perhaps he was spiting the grand family who had supposedly sired him but refusing to commit himself to any cause, but either way had hadn't amounted to much. It didn't strike him until after that fact that he'd just admitted that fact to a pretty girl.

"Talk" "You" Think