
I am I am



5 Years
09-26-2014, 10:47 PM
ooc: Going to assume this is taking place directly after the challenges as it's marked Pack Only and Virgil's posting. Only way I could logic it out. I think we've figured out an order, Katja x Solo, Katja x D?gmar then this one in case there's any confusion to what she's alluding to in this post.

At last they were finally starting to trickle out. The excitement of the challenge was dwindling and the Olympians were beginning to make their way out of pack land that was no longer theirs. Katja was busing herself with the remaining loose ends but D?gmar was content at least that she'd been accepted into the new pack as a warrior. No doubt with rivals like the Olympians she'd get her fair share of battle. A grin marked her maw but faded slightly as she gazed at those that would remain. Thankfully most of Virgil's children were yearlings. They were capable of fending for themselves. But the little ones?. oh she hoped Katja had a plan. D?gmar was no mother figure. She could not raise pups. Train them, sure. But act as a mother? Definitely not.

Verdant pools narrowed suspiciously as she watched Virgil wander off toward the blind, gray femme. Taking to her paws she trotted after. Just to be sure. She doubted Virgil would attempt some foul play but if she did, D?gmar wanted to be the first one in line for a fight. Katja was hogging all the battles. She took in their conversation. This was her pack after all, did they really expect total privacy in this throng? Though personally, D?gmar would just rather Virgil take the blind femme and go. The wraith had no idea how to train a blind wolf? at least in battle. Healing though? her sharpened sense of smell would give her a gift for it.

She slowed, bringing herself in earshot, currently facing perpendicular to Virgils left shoulder. "I wouldn't say no loyalists." She grinned. "There's me an my charge and of course it seems Katja is allowing the red boy to stay as well." D?gmar shrugged. Low numbers true, but they all had to start somewhere. "Peace, I won't cut off your goodbyes. Take the time you need?. unless of course you wish to battle. I mark myself even with Katja, if you've truly bested her I would love to taste you." The grin grew wider.