
I am I am


09-26-2014, 11:10 PM

He had spoken to Katja and thankfully she was understanding of his situation and had agreed to allow him to stay. Thank the goddess? He had gone hunting after that, running through the meadow until he found a rabbit hutch. It had taken him quite a bit of patience but after a short time he had finally procured himself one, and only a short time after that he had caught a second smaller one. Hopefully Gaia would be impressed! He would lean down, with his second kill already in his jaws, to pick up his first rabbit. Once they were neatly collected in his jaws he would lift them off the ground and set off back towards Gaia's den. As he approached, though, there was a familiar figure outside her den. Virgi? His eyes would widen in surprise, lingering a short distance away with the rabbits held firmly in his grasp. He wouldn't make his presence known until he heard Virgil speaking of leaving and taking Gaia with her if thats what Gaia wanted. Immediately he would start up the short hill, moving towards Virgil and dropping the rabbits like a peace offering. He was about to speak when another would appear, a grey and white woman he recognized from the challenge. He would eye her a bit cautiously, moving a bit closer to Gaia. "Whatever you choose? I'll follow?" His words were barely a whisper, barely audible even to him but he had long ago learned how good Gaia's sense of hearing was. "Yes? Katja granted me a temporary rank? Able to stay and train as long as Gaia is here?" He spoke both to confirm this woman's words and to tell Gaia the news he had come here to tell her. He could stay with her!

