
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



5 Years
09-27-2014, 09:32 AM
Please note this thread is Pack Only. xD Deadline is Friday, October 3 at 11:59 p.m. Let's see if we can finish this one, pack hunts die so often let's be the ones to kick it in the teeth! Rawr!

*note I'd particularly like the yearlings to participate pwease :3

Mist caressed the face of the valley as the sun rose higher into the sky. This morning was cool, chillier than any they'd had all summer and it warned of the turning of the seasons to fall. Soon the plentiful summer hunting would be lost. D?gmar was on border patrol. Eyes peeled for any sign of the Olympians who were sure to come slinking back in. D?gmar chuckled to herself. Perhaps when things settled they'd be allowed some visitation rights? Well, either way it seemed the feud would be having an effect on the children. Her soldiers. That simply would not do. Besides there were mouths to feed.

D?gmar travelled farther into Yfir territory then let out a howl for the pack to join her, in particular the yearlings. It would do no good for them to lie in their den's hurting. Time to vent some feeling on hapless prey, to empty their minds of dangerous thoughts in favor of the instinct to kill and to hunt. D?gmar bore an inherent cruelty in her bosom but she had, and always would, look out for those she deemed her own. And while she could not offer emotional or mental solace she could aid in using the body as an instrument to temper an injured soul. The rest was up to them.