
How Much There Is To Learn



5 Years
09-27-2014, 04:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She sneaked away at the first moment she could, light hunter's paws carrying her quietly away from her family's new densite and out beyond the territory that was to be their new home. She was not up to anything bad, nor did she have any intention of getting herself caught up in things that her parents would have disapproved of, but still she felt as if she needed to be more cautious around them, particularly when she wanted to leave their sides.

Everything had gone so horribly after meeting Pyrros. He had seemed like a decent wolf when they had met, a little odd with his particular taste in humor but nothing she needed to worry about. And then he had pinned her, covering her scent with his and then demanding that he meet her parents. She knew without exactly knowing that he should not have done what he had, had been nervous the moment she had brought him to the edge of her home and then frightened by her parents' strong reactions. And all she had wanted to do was make a new friend.

The terrible weather that had been plaguing much of the world did not reach this far inland, but its effects were still visible. The sky was nothing but pale grey clouds, blocking out the sunlight and seeming to keep the last of the summer's warmth more cozily pressed against the earth. Anais felt it about her as she moved, no longer creepily moving about but open with her step, and obviously downcast. Her tail drooped at her legs and her head remained lowered, the look upon her face both sad and confused and without her typical smile as her mind continued to be weighed down by the events that had transpired.

She felt awful. And stupid. Surely she should have been able to put it all together without her parents help, without needing them to intervene on her behalf? Never before had her naivety and innocence been a problem until now, and now after everything that had happened it felt quite embarrassing. She was supposed to be this great, skilled hunter, someone who could be dependable in a pack and carry her own weight, but how dependable could she be if she could be so easily taken in? With a huff, the young grey and gold wolf allowed her legs to give out beneath her, depositing her amid the cool, cushioning grasses that grew at the top of a rise in the Knolls. How much she had to learn of the world...

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.