
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
09-27-2014, 05:04 PM

and i'll fight to survive

The fact that they were going to someone that might not even know how to help this women who was his sister's alpha get back to her own state of mind. However he would make sure to help Isi look for Vaughan as this seemed very important to Isidora and well his own search for things would certainly be put on hold for now. However he had to express how he felt about all of this and thus his lips parted for words "Isi, say we find this Vaughan, if he can help the person who was once your alpha get better what then? and what if he doesn't, we should have a backup plan in the worse case scenario". Rurik was always trying to think a few steps ahead of what was going on and to be prepared if the worst scenario of things occurred.

He did have to take into consideration what she said if he was indeed a mess as well. Then fate would seem to be against them and that wasn't something Rurik ever intended to see. Now the fun part would begin, to formulate a plan for if what he feared was indeed the case. He began to take in simple thoughts of chance for a knowledgeable healer to be met along the way or someone who also knew a way to handle this. However those chances were very slim to none and it seemed to be a chance of them finding Vaughan or not finding him. The odds seemed stacked against them to figuring out ways to get the used to be alpha back to normal. There was a small chuckle that escaped his maw "I bet you we will find Vaughan and he may be able to get this person you spoke of back to normal, hopefully".


through this thunderous life