
come with me now


09-27-2014, 06:35 PM

He didn't take long to appear, had he already been on his way to visit her? Unfortunately she had not seen much of her sons since she had sent Solo off to a strange pack to marry a girl he barely knew and since she had disowned her girls in a fit of anger after giving up Covari. It was long since overdue, she missed her boys, especially Vivek. She didn't know what his plans had been since she had left, at least Solo had had a bit of a plan. Was he still well? Vi would stand as her son approached, a warm smile growing over her features as she moved forward to greet him. Maw would reach out in an attempt to place a gentle kiss on his cheek before withdrawing. "Vivek?"His name rolled off her tongue with ease, warmth engrained in each syllable. She stood easy before him, looking at him as he studied her. He looked in good health, no new scars she didn't remember and no hitch in his step. That was good? She returned her gaze to him, eyes dancing as she looked at her boy. He asked a simple, easy question and she would chuckle. "Better. I'm starting to feel my age and my leg has been bothering me but all in all good. Enjoying the beach and Desiree's company, wish I saw more of you and Solo but as long as you are happy and healthy I can't complain." She would say as she shrugged slender shoulders and sighed softly, leaning back into a seated position to study him easily. "And you? How have you been? What have you been up to?"She asked conversationally, honestly curious as to what he was up to. She left the question open though, had he seen his sisters? Was he a pack wolf now?