
I Seek The Lead Raven


09-27-2014, 07:23 PM

The morning was bright, and with summer waning they were getting cooler. In these early hours the boy was awake, in the midst of the tall grass of the Dancefloor, moving slowly. Today he had a mission, and though he moved at a slower pace than most he did move a bit faster than his own usual one. His bright eyes were searching for her -- Katja -- the one who ran the pack that now resided in his home. The boy had been sleeping in a den away from his usual one, and had not slept incredibly well, but it got him rested enough to open his eyes, get up, and function.

Now, if he was the leader of a new pack, what would he be doing? The boy would think about it. He was intelligent, far more for a child his age. The dreams he had at night were what the boy believed to be the cause of that. Being shown things in the shadowy realm. It was like the true Thanatos was guiding him, syncing with his spirit. The boy was unafraid. But, though he was unafraid, he was still not one to get out of his norm so easily. So he would search, his soft pawsteps making the grass move just a bit, as if some smaller creature moved within.

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