
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]


09-27-2014, 07:29 PM

The male would let out a soft sigh as he watched Aiko, hoping the young girl would not throw a fit. That would surely be unneeded, yet there was little he could do to help her at this point. While darker minds might be in their midst at some point they definitely did not need to be fighting each other or having younger members throwing fits like some month old pup. The calico would let his gaze wander to Quelt as the Olori began to speak again, the royal taking in each word quietly. This was but one small trial the other would face as a leader.

He handled with situation with Mariposa well, and the calico gave a small nod. He might have been the most experienced with battle training, perhaps, but that did not make him the best at it. The man hardly preferred to resort to such tactics after all, if it could be avoided. But sticking up for the other adults was what Allen felt was most important here, and making sure that the woman did not bear to much pride. While it was good to have confidence, flaunting it around a pack was not a proper show of manners. At all. At the mention of his name Allen?s ears would perk, his dark eyes shining with understanding. Ahh that was going to be an interesting task. Yet the male would bear it no complaints. He would smile, dipping his head to Quelt.

?I will aid all of Isokan the best I can, Quelt.? He would look around at the rest that had gathered. ?You are all more than welcome to speak with me anytime. I assure you that I am an approachable man.?[/color] Irune too would speak, and as Quelt turned away the calico would set his gaze on the male?s sister. He would rise, approaching her and then dipping his head. ?If I may, at some point soon, I?d like to request a meeting with you, miss.? Not that she had done anything wrong, but she was a rather elusive figure. Allen wasn?t sure he?d meet her again by chance. She seemed the type to only appear when she wanted to be seen.
