
Whispers In The Wind



05-16-2013, 08:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been reluctant for a while to even consider leaving her home, and for good reason. After narrowly escaping the wrath of the mentally unstable wolf who had called himself the brother of Awaken before attacking him and leaving him painfully injured, Mercianne was in absolutely no rush to see the wolf again. He knew where they lived, knew where to find them should their guard ever be let down, and it made her skin crawl. He was out there, somewhere, watching, waiting, and when the moment was right she had every certainty that he would make another strike. He had threatened her once, solely for the fact she had been keeping Awaken company, so who was to say he might not try targeting her again knowing she was his friend? The timid white wolf had waited a time, never venturing too far to the border, before eventually she felt she needed to leave just to prove herself that she could be safe, would be safe, if ever she had reason to step passed those boundaries that marked the edge of the Glaciem.

Still fearful of her life, she padded quietly and cautiously, slow and attentive to everything around her. So nervous, she was practically crawling, her shoulders hunched and her body rounded so as to make herself appear as nonthreatening as she possibly could. Her tail didn't quite lay against her legs, but there was no easy sway to it, nothing to suggest any sense of comfort at all. Even her face, lowered and peering about as if to spot the crazed wolf at any moment, was a worrisome mask of anxiety, her ears indecisive on whether they wished to perk attentively or fold in fear against her skull. Only her dark brown eyes showed any spark of life, but it was mainly just her nerves causing them to jump about as she walked, praying that she might spy anyone in the wood well before they spotted her.

Needless to say, when she came around a lone tree, still turning her head and glancing every which way, the sight of a figure curled up upon the snows at the base of a tree gave her a fright before she had time to register anything about them. Her body reacted before her mind could, jumping in place and spinning her around to face the wolf as she half fell into a frantic crouch. But as her dark brown eyes set themselves at last on the figure, lying there in the snow with no look or intent to harm, not even crouched and poised to strike, she knew she was mistaken. This was not Sixx. She was still safe.

Her heart beat rapidly and practically thundered in her ears, suddenly in need of a second to catch her breath. A sigh slipped from her muzzle as she took a moment to compose herself, closing her eyes as she took in a slow, measured breath and then opened them to regard the stranger. What a mess she must have looked! Jumping merely from spying someone she didn't know when she didn't expect them. Perhaps she should have asked someone to join her when she left. "I'm sorry," she murmured softly, shamefacedly glancing down with her ears tucked back while still attempting to calm her breathing and heart rate. She didn't really feel she had done anything wrong, but panicking as she had seemed an awful way to make introductions. For a half a second she considered tucking her head again and continuing along her way, unsure how to move the conversation now that she had gone and exposed herself as a cowardly, easily spooked creature. Her eyes shifted back toward the direction she had been traveling from, considering how fast she might get back to the border of the Glaciem as she paused to see whether the restful wolf might acknowledge her.