
Taking stock


09-27-2014, 07:36 PM

The small brown female would visibly relax as Athena spoke. So the silver female just wished to speak with her. It was a relief, and Arietta hoped that whatever was asked of her she could give a satisfactory answer to. The questions were actually not so odd... And Arietta would give a gentle smile. ?I feel that we are settling in nicely. Vesta is prone to doing her own thing much of the time... She has a very independent personality... But I think she is much happier here in Bevroren. As am I. Everything is much better than it was at the abandoned ship with just the two of us.? Her words were truthful, and the female had a brighter light in those light blue hues of hers.

The next question too wasn?t too surprising either. The female would give a small nod. ?I actually know exactly what I?d like to specialize in, Athena. Hunting and tracking is something I?ve been working on myself since I was first in Glaciem. I think I?m getting pretty good at it now. I?m afraid that I have no formal fight training but... I will attend any training sessions involving it to better myself as well.? She hoped the answer would be satisfactory. Had she started learning herblore at an earlier age she might have pursued healing... But with virtually no knowledge in it and no healer it didn?t seem the best route to take. Besides... All wolves needed to eat. To eat you needed hunters, did you not?

Speech, Thought